Definition of Apple does not fall far from the tree

1. Proverb. A child grows up to be very similar to its parents, both in behavior and in physical characteristics. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

apple aphid
apple aphis
apple blight
apple blossom
apple blossoms
apple bobbing
apple borer
apple brandies
apple brandy
apple cake
apple canker
apple cider
apple core
apple does not fall far from the stem
apple does not fall far from the tree
apple does not fall far from the trunk
apple domain
apple dumplin shop
apple dumplin shops
apple dumpling
apple dumplings
apple flies
apple fly
apple fritter
apple fritters
apple geranium
apple jelly
apple jelly nodules
apple juice

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